Monday, April 28, 2008

We've been busy here in our little world. Our youngest daughter is now off to college. We dropped her off the first of April. She is loving it so far. She calls me most every night to say good night. She said, she's been telling us goodnight all her life and it doesn't seem right not to. So, she calls about 9:00 PM and says good night.

Boy, do I feel the empty nest blues. This big old house is so quiet, I hate it. It seems worst when hubby is at work. He works 12 hour shifts 3 days one week and 4 days the next. I find myself turning on all the lights and TVs, so there is noise. I finally finished all of the little projects that I told myself, I would do before I started back to knitting, beading or quilting. I have also found out that sattelight TV has nothing to watch, even when we pay over $50 a month. We have over 200 channels, and most of them are paid programming. What is up with that? Watching paint dry is more entertaining that the "sell me something" garbage on TV.

I have some happy news. My dog Licorice had 4 puppies on the 16th. They ae so cute. I am amazed at how fast they grow. I almost 2 weeks they have doubled in size. I could hold one of them in my hand, when they were first born. Now, their little bellies fit in my hand. The fatest one is my favorite. It startes eating first and the whole time, the puppies tail is sticking up and wagging back and forth. Hubbys says that it is pumping the milk in with it.

This picture was taken on the 17th. I will get some more pictures as they grow. They are now starting to open their eyes and are such cute little squeaky things. It is going to be hard to let them go in 8 weeks.

Thats it for now. Will write again soon.

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